Moving Forward

Ref: A14

Activity in this system
No. of hours in next 4 weeks0
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Date joined this systemDec 08, 2005
No. work-seekers registered0
No. clients registered1
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Agency8 HQ 2009-2109 Heath Road, California 93314 map

Agreement with clients


(pursuant to the Conduct of Employment Agencies and Employment Businesses Regulations 2003)

THIS AGREEMENT is made on the date duly recorded BETWEEN

(1)        MA Care of 3 Nelson St, London E6 6EQ (“the Agency”)


(2)        The Hiring Body (“the Hirer”)

IT IS AGREED as follows:



            ‘Hirer’                                                   the person, firm or corporate body together with any subsidiary or associated company as defined by the Companies Act 1985 to whom the Temporary Worker is supplied or introduced


            ‘The Employment Business’               the Agency, who are an employment business as defined in the Employment Agencies Act 1973 as amended by the Employment Relations Act 1999


            ‘Engages/Engaged/Engagement’       the engagement, employment or use of the Temporary Worker directly by the Hirer or any third party or through any other employment business on a permanent or temporary basis, whether under a contract of service or for services; an agency, license, franchise or partnership arrangement; or any other engagement; directly or through a limited company of which the Temporary Worker is an officer or employee


            ‘Temporary Worker’                            an individual (Work-Seeker) who is registered with an Agency to render SoT services to the Hirer


‘SoT’                                                    the system by which the Temporary Worker has control over when and the amount of time the Temporary Worker is placed with a Hirer, the rate of pay charged for the work done and the location of an Assignment with the Hirer and displayed via the Agency’s website for the Hirer to view

            ‘Assignment’                                       the period during which the Temporary Worker is engaged via SoT to provide services to the Hirer


            ‘Transfer Fee’                                      the fee payable in accordance with clause 7.1 below and regulation 10 of the Conduct of Employment Agencies and Employment Businesses Regulations 2003


‘Introduction Fee’                                 the fee payable in accordance with clause 7.2 below and regulation 10 of the Conduct of Employment Agencies and Employment Businesses Regulations 2003


‘Introduction’                                        the display to the Hirer of Temporary Workers’ curriculum vitae or information which identifies the Temporary Worker; and which leads to Engagement of that Temporary Worker


            ‘Remuneration’                                    includes base salary or fees, guaranteed and/or anticipated bonus and commission earnings, allowances, inducement payments, the benefit of a company car and all other payments and taxable (and, where applicable, non-taxable) emoluments payable to or receivable by the Temporary Worker for services rendered to or on behalf of the Hirer or any third party.  Where a company car is provided, a notional amount of [specify] will be added to the salary in order to calculate the Employment Business’ fee.

means the later of either 14 weeks from the first day on which the Temporary Worker was supplied by the Employment Business to work for the Client, or 8 weeks from the day after the Temporary Worker was last supplied by the Employment Business to the Client.


















































and also provided that notification of the unsuitability of the Temporary Worker is confirmed in writing to the Agency as soon as it is reasonably practicable of the termination of an Assignment.













Agreement with work-seekers

This is version 2 of the New Default Agency-Seller Contract This is version 2 of the New Default Age

© Moving Forward