Adam Townsend

Ref: Camb345

Activity in this system
No. of customers 15
No. of bookings52
Hours sold 227 hours 30 minutes
Temporary work outside this system
No. of customers 4
No. of bookings 8
Hours sold 45
Taken at work


Based in ZIP Code 90802, willing to work within 50.0 miles guide map


Willmore Workers' Co-op

They say...

Adam was strongly recommended to us by his college principal. He is an ambitious and capable young man.


I am a student of sports management and a keen footballer. Having led youth soccer and baseball teams I am particularly keen to work with boys and girls who enjoy physical exercise. Developing their skills can be structured over multiple bookings. I am planning a career in management of leisure centers.

I also have a flair for technology. Normally studying in Maryland, I am home in Long Beach during the pandemic.

Work History





Related Coursework



Leadership and Coaching Experience


Credentials Tags Self-approved

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