Contact Workers

Workers displayed below can be contacted within the terms of this site.

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Agency Profile Worker Badges Roles Buyers Bookings Completed Hours Available Hours In Next 4 Weeks Seeks Long Term Roles Date Joined Action
Albert Shirer
10 3 1 4 16:00 308 Jan 25, 2013 Contact Agency
Reese Hoy
6 1 0 12 16:00 430 Jan 22, 2013 Contact Worker
Petra Viles
8 10 4 5 16:00 0 Jun 06, 2006 Contact Agency
Amrita Akhtar
8 2 0 3 14:00 0 Jan 08, 2007 Contact Worker
Dean Windass
8 7 0 2 13:00 0 May 01, 2007 Contact Agency
Sheryl Disen
9 6 2 2 12:00 268 Feb 16, 2009 Contact Agency
A worker 147
5 4 2 2 11:00 392 Mar 28, 2020 Contact Agency
Dianne Rose
8 7 1 3 11:00 0 Jan 27, 2010 Contact Agency
Martin Jobnes
2 1 0 1 10:00 0 Nov 16, 2022 Contact Worker
Paul Patel
2 1 0 1 10:00 0 Oct 19, 2022 Contact Worker
Jo Taylor
5 1 0 1 10:00 504 Feb 06, 2013 Contact Worker
Pam Watson
8 10 0 2 10:00 0 Feb 22, 2007 Contact Agency
Sandy Downes
9 14 0 2 8:00 294 Feb 18, 2009 Contact Agency
Tinqa Browne
6 2 0 1 7:00 208 Oct 13, 2009 Contact Worker
Jack Horace
8 4 0 2 5:00 110 Sep 28, 2010 Contact Agency
Richard Tyrie
7 2 0 1 5:00 0 Feb 28, 2006 Contact Agency
Dave Gooch
9 7 1 3 5:00 94 Jan 03, 2006 Contact Agency
Tanya Pevez
9 1 0 1 4:00 198 Feb 24, 2009 Contact Agency
Will Street
8 3 3 2 4:00 166 Dec 19, 2008 Contact Agency
Samuel Alase
5 1 0 1 4:00 0 Apr 12, 2007 Contact Worker
Jodie Canning
6 1 0 1 4:00 0 Feb 15, 2006 Contact Worker
Nicole Kalonda
8 4 0 1 4:00 0 Dec 13, 2005 Contact Agency
Mandy Wolfe
5 6 1 1 3:00 404 Mar 28, 2020 Contact Agency
Benjamin Samuels
9 3 1 1 3:00 170 Dec 13, 2005 Contact Agency
Kari Wells
7 4 2 1 2:00 98 Jan 23, 2020 Contact Agency
Rob Conn
8 10 3 1 2:00 288 Jan 07, 2010 Contact Agency
Ronald Cox
8 8 3 1 2:00 96 Nov 17, 2009 Contact Agency
6 2 0 1 2:00 0 Nov 27, 2006 Contact Worker
Fred Looki
10 5 0 1 2:00 0 Jan 11, 2006 Contact Agency
Nick Tjaardstra
8 0 0 1 2:00 0 Dec 08, 2005 Contact Agency