Contact Workers

Workers displayed below can be contacted within the terms of this site.

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Agency Profile Worker Badges Roles Buyers Bookings Completed Hours Available Hours In Next 4 Weeks Seeks Long Term Roles Date Joined Action
William Casey
7 5 0 8 59:15 96 Dec 02, 2005 Contact Agency
Stephen Griffiths
6 2 1 19 55:00 0 Mar 02, 2007 Contact Worker
Debbie Stallard
7 2 0 10 51:45 216 Apr 24, 2007 Contact Agency
Louise Jones
7 7 4 10 50:30 246 Dec 06, 2005 Contact Agency
Alison Powell
12 3 1 1 50:00 384 Jan 31, 2007 Contact Worker
Brad Drew
8 2 1 1 50:00 386 Jan 30, 2007 Contact Worker
Sara Lewis
8 8 1 9 50:00 0 Mar 08, 2006 Contact Agency
Gary Menstos
8 6 2 7 49:15 360 Jun 20, 2007 Contact Agency
Tasman Oxlade
8 6 2 14 47:45 0 Oct 18, 2007 Contact Agency
Jill Chapman
7 4 3 18 46:15 338 Feb 21, 2007 Contact Agency
Helen Goulden
7 4 0 5 43:45 308 Dec 08, 2005 Contact Agency
Helen Devries
7 5 2 5 42:30 302 Dec 07, 2005 Contact Agency
Jamil Foster
9 5 2 2 40:15 262 May 31, 2011 Contact Agency
Kerry Frenchay
7 1 1 2 40:15 312 Dec 19, 2007 Contact Agency
Don Sellings
7 3 0 18 40:00 0 Nov 24, 2005 Contact Agency
Mhobo Jinkin
8 5 1 3 38:00 274 Dec 13, 2005 Contact Agency
A Worker 142
8 4 1 4 37:45 266 Feb 29, 2012 Contact Agency
Tim Reith
9 5 3 6 37:00 250 Feb 15, 2007 Contact Agency
Fred Dale
6 1 0 23 35:00 456 Mar 06, 2013 Contact Worker
David Jax
9 3 1 4 34:30 296 Feb 12, 2009 Contact Agency
Tim Moorseby-Wills
7 0 0 1 34:00 182 Apr 05, 2021 Contact Agency
Sonia Samal
14 3 1 1 34:00 174 Apr 05, 2021 Contact Agency
Neal Todd
7 3 0 9 32:30 0 Oct 16, 2009 Contact Agency
Geraint Muller
12 10 1 8 31:45 98 Dec 08, 2005 Contact Agency
Dan Maze
6 10 0 2 29:00 560 Jan 28, 2013 Contact Worker
Humphrey Bogart
6 2 0 13 29:00 0 Jan 05, 2007 Contact Worker
Mike Fitchett
7 2 0 3 26:30 326 Jul 11, 2010 Contact Agency
Shane Hilton
9 2 0 4 22:00 286 Feb 16, 2007 Contact Agency
Sanjay Rathore
8 2 3 9 19:00 222 Nov 28, 2005 Contact Agency
Dolores Hamad
10 9 6 6 17:00 238 Dec 08, 2005 Contact Agency