Contact Colleagues

Colleagues displayed below can be contacted within the terms of this site.

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Agency Profile Colleague Badges Roles Buyers Bookings Completed Hours Available Hours In Next 4 Weeks Seeks Long Term Roles Date Joined Action
Lorna Thompson
9 9 3 27 105:00 274 Nov 24, 2005 Contact Agency
Abrienda Sanchez
16 8 5 243 1,159:10 210 Jul 19, 2022 Contact Agency
Jane Hilderbrand
9 8 4 33 192:30 268 Mar 10, 2010 Contact Agency
Ronald Cox
8 8 3 1 2:00 96 Nov 17, 2009 Contact Agency
Hari Jones
9 8 3 100 594:00 302 Jul 10, 2009 Contact Agency
Jerry Shawn
9 8 2 79 405:45 270 Dec 10, 2007 Contact Agency
Andy Jones
10 8 3 64 677:36 268 Nov 07, 2007 Contact Agency
Sara Lewis
8 8 1 9 50:00 0 Mar 08, 2006 Contact Agency
Jenifer Begum
7 8 6 36 170:45 352 Mar 08, 2006 Contact Agency
Tim Robinson
9 8 2 333 753:53 292 Dec 05, 2005 Contact Agency
Dianne Rose
8 7 1 3 11:00 0 Jan 27, 2010 Contact Agency
Graham Bennet
9 7 5 28 120:15 310 Jul 09, 2007 Contact Agency
Dean Windass
8 7 0 2 13:00 0 May 01, 2007 Contact Agency
Craig Fagan
9 7 0 9 72:00 260 Apr 24, 2007 Contact Agency
Dave Gooch
9 7 1 3 5:00 94 Jan 03, 2006 Contact Agency
Louise Jones
7 7 4 10 50:30 246 Dec 06, 2005 Contact Agency
Mandy Wolfe
5 6 1 1 3:00 404 Mar 28, 2020 Contact Agency
Rui Carrera
6 6 7 11 78:00 340 Nov 24, 2009 Contact Agency
Sheryl Disen
9 6 2 2 12:00 268 Feb 16, 2009 Contact Agency
Tasman Oxlade
8 6 2 14 47:45 0 Oct 18, 2007 Contact Agency
Gary Menstos
8 6 2 7 49:15 360 Jun 20, 2007 Contact Agency
Dan Lodge
7 6 0 0 0:00 0 May 23, 2007 Contact Agency
Azad Ullah
8 6 0 0 0:00 0 Mar 08, 2006 Contact Agency
David Cromwell
9 6 4 6 127:45 278 Dec 07, 2005 Contact Agency
Dan Kisyov
9 6 5 21 82:45 254 Dec 01, 2005 Contact Agency
Jamil Foster
9 5 2 2 40:15 262 May 31, 2011 Contact Agency
Carol Rose
8 5 3 0 0:00 212 Dec 16, 2010 Contact Agency
Roger Madden
8 5 4 16 131:15 320 Apr 17, 2008 Contact Agency
Paula Holliday
7 5 0 16 108:15 238 May 23, 2007 Contact Agency
Tim Reith
9 5 3 6 37:00 250 Feb 15, 2007 Contact Agency