Contact Workers

Workers displayed below can be contacted within the terms of this site.

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Agency Profile Worker Badges Roles Buyers Bookings Completed Hours Available Hours In Next 4 Weeks Seeks Long Term Roles Date Joined Action
Kim Hyland
7 4 2 552 1,289:15 206 Nov 23, 2007 Contact Agency
Tim Robinson
9 8 2 333 753:53 292 Dec 05, 2005 Contact Agency
Josera Ignacio
9 10 9 319 1,188:00 264 Dec 05, 2005 Contact Agency
Abrienda Sanchez
16 9 5 240 1,109:10 224 Jul 19, 2022 Contact Agency
Antonia Hernandez
8 11 7 232 676:35 208 Nov 22, 2005 Contact Agency
Craig Lopez
8 5 3 197 638:50 0 Nov 22, 2005 Contact Agency
Mira Dale
10 15 12 126 473:00 298 Oct 19, 2007 Contact Agency
Aisha Lin
13 14 4 106 462:45 296 Oct 19, 2007 Contact Agency
Ginny Murdoch
9 3 5 104 399:15 324 Dec 03, 2009 Contact Agency
Paul Sedgewick
9 14 2 103 433:00 258 May 10, 2011 Contact Agency
Hari Jones
9 8 3 100 594:00 302 Jul 10, 2009 Contact Agency
Chris Anderson
14 22 7 86 553:45 96 Feb 19, 2007 Contact Agency
Rizwana Bakroliwala
7 13 5 84 421:30 346 Nov 30, 2005 Contact Agency
Kim Pickup
7 12 6 82 366:15 328 Nov 07, 2007 Contact Agency
Jerry Shawn
9 8 2 79 405:45 270 Dec 10, 2007 Contact Agency
Gareth Maleston
9 14 7 63 248:20 320 Mar 10, 2010 Contact Agency
Andy Jones
10 8 3 58 641:36 268 Nov 07, 2007 Contact Agency
Amelia Perez
11 4 2 57 230:14 144 Oct 11, 2021 Contact Agency
Chris Chidley
10 12 5 57 475:15 272 Dec 06, 2005 Contact Agency
Adam Townsend
26 21 5 52 227:30 96 Jul 03, 2007 Contact Agency
John Culbert
9 10 9 51 257:05 290 Jun 13, 2007 Contact Agency
Jenifer Begum
7 8 6 36 170:45 352 Mar 08, 2006 Contact Agency
Arthur Smith
11 10 3 34 223:15 252 Jun 08, 2007 Contact Agency
Jane Hilderbrand
9 8 4 33 192:30 268 Mar 10, 2010 Contact Agency
Blossom Murakami
6 2 0 31 145:15 0 Jan 04, 2007 Contact Worker
Selina Linton
8 4 5 30 149:00 224 Jun 19, 2007 Contact Agency
Ali Kareem
10 21 2 30 204:00 212 Mar 08, 2006 Contact Agency
Graham Bennet
9 7 5 28 120:15 310 Jul 09, 2007 Contact Agency
Lorna Thompson
9 9 3 27 105:00 274 Nov 24, 2005 Contact Agency
Sarah Ashart
9 12 7 25 116:10 194 Aug 06, 2008 Contact Agency